Coming Attractions

Be Found By Local Hosts When Traveling

Going on vacation? Studying abroad for a semester? Taking a business trip? Soon, will introduce a new feature allowing members to temporarily change their locations! This feature will allow hosts to find you wherever on earth you roam! Stay tuned for sneak peeks at more exciting new features at!

Suggest A Match – Send Your Friends To Your Favorite Hosts

Did you know that you can connect your fellow members to other guests and hosts? Utilizing our innovative, user-friendly “Suggest a Match” feature, you can help others to enjoy a beautiful Shabbat together. Just open a member’s profile, and at the upper-right hand corner of the box, click on the “Suggest a Shabbat Match” button.

After that, you will be guided through a simple process that will enable you to suggest Shabbat matches for your friend, using filters such as location, occupation and more. You can even send an entire member profile to a friend! Check our blog regularly for tips to maximize the benefits of using!

Blessings in the Storm…

On an average week, averages over 2,500 matches between Shabbat guests and hosts via our interactive website. During the weekend that Hurricane Irene battered the East Coast, however, the community demonstrated a beautiful display of Ahavat Yisrael (love for one’s fellow Jew) by organizing over 6,000 Shabbat invitations! “Thanks to you, we were able to find a place!” wrote Rebecca, after placed messages all over Facebook aimed at helping those stranded because of the hurricane. In addition to extra calls to’s hotline (for those stranded Erev Shabbat with three hours or less before candle-lighting), the community also offered Facebook users rooms in their own homes – in locations spanning the tri-State area. “Mi k’amcha Yisrael!” another member wrote. How blessed we are to share the beauty of Shabbat and the kinship of the Jewish people today and every day, rain or shine!